Our Gardens
Project green currently oversees and manages non-structured lunch-time gardening program at schools throughout the Rescue Union School District. Each school has hired a Garden Coordinator to oversee this program at their site. The lunchtime garden program serves several hundred students in the district. Students can tend to the garden during each of the daily recess periods, allowing them to use their hands to paint, weed, rake, compost, water, etc. This program creates hands-on learning opportunities that aren’t typically found in the classroom or on the school playgrounds. To date approximately 2,740 students within the Rescue Union School District have and are benefiting from the Project Green Organization. For those who do not attend the daily lunchtime garden, they do attend a garden/outdoor education lesson on a monthly basis with their class. Along with the lunchtime garden program, Project Green provides educational outdoor garden lessons for grades Pre K – 8th. Giving every student the opportunity to touch the garden.

Click below for details and photos on each of our gardens: